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The History of Concierge Medicine

Concierge medicine may seem like a modern innovation, but its roots are deeply embedded in the way medicine was traditionally practiced.

Small-Town Roots

In the past, small-town doctors were deeply involved in their communities, often making house calls to patients they knew personally. These physicians provided care that went beyond mere treatment – they offered continuity, trust, and a deep understanding of their patients’ lives. This direct, relationship-based approach allowed doctors to offer more personalized care and gave patients a sense of security, knowing their physician had a vested interest in their well-being.

The Rise of Insurance

Fast forward to the late 20th century, and the landscape of healthcare had dramatically changed. The rise of insurance-based medicine in the mid-20th century created a system where patients were funneled through large practices, with limited time spent with physicians. Many doctors see up to 3000 patients per year! With that many patients and little time, doctors were not able to really get to know their patients and their issues. 

A Return to Personalized Medicine

In response to this shift, the 1990s saw a resurgence of the concierge medicine model. Pioneers of this approach sought to bring back that direct, personal connection between doctors and patients. By offering more time, availability, and individualized care, concierge medicine became a sought-after alternative for patients seeking a higher standard of attention.

Temecula Medical Group 

Temecula Medical Group, established in April 2013, has been part of this revitalization. As a concierge medicine primary care office, Temecula Medical Group embodies the values of personalized care that were common in the past. Offering patients direct access to their physicians and a deeper relationship with their healthcare providers, the practice reflects the core of what medicine was originally meant to be – a personal, compassionate, and continuous partnership in health.

If you're interested in getting more personalized attention, sign up for our concierge medicine membership.

Temecula Medical Group Place of Healing: We strive to make our clinic a healing space for all of our patients through compassionate care and active listening.

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