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A Simple Exercise for Managing Emotions During Difficult Times

Life is full of ups and downs, and during the challenging times, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by emotions like sadness, grief, or pain. These emotions can feel all-encompassing, as if they’ll never go away. But one of the most important things to remember is that emotions are temporary. They come, they go, and they change, just like the weather.

Understanding this can be incredibly empowering, especially when you’re in the thick of a difficult time. By recognizing that emotions are not permanent, you can cultivate a sense of peace and resilience. You can learn to experience your emotions fully without becoming defined by them.

The Power of Acknowledgment: "This Is How It Is, Right Now"

One effective way to manage emotions during difficult times is to practice acknowledging your feelings without judgment. This doesn’t mean denying or suppressing what you’re feeling; instead, it means accepting the reality of your emotions in the present moment while also recognizing that they won’t last forever. The New Happy Co offers this simple exercise:

Say these words to yourself:

"This is how it is, right now"

- This pain is how it is... right now.
- This sadness is how it is... right now.
- This grief is how it is... right now.

These statements allow you to accept your current emotional state without resistance. By saying "This is how it is, right now," you’re acknowledging that your emotions are real and valid, but you’re also reminding yourself that they are transient. This pain, this sadness, this grief—they’re real, but they are also temporary. They are how you feel in this moment, but they will pass.

Why This Exercise Works

1. Acceptance: By acknowledging your emotions as they are, you reduce the internal struggle. You stop fighting against your feelings and instead allow them to exist as part of your current experience.

2. Mindfulness: This exercise brings you into the present moment. It helps you focus on what you’re feeling right now, rather than getting lost in thoughts about the past or future.

3. Perspective: Recognizing that emotions are temporary helps you maintain perspective. Even in the midst of intense emotional pain, this perspective can provide a sense of relief and hope.

4. Self-Compassion: Saying these words to yourself is a form of self-compassion. It’s a gentle reminder that it’s okay to feel what you’re feeling, and it’s okay to take things one moment at a time.

Moving Forward

The next time you find yourself struggling with difficult emotions, remember this exercise. Emotions are a natural part of life, but they don’t define who you are. By acknowledging them with the understanding that they are temporary, you can navigate through even the toughest times with greater ease.

In those moments when your emotions feel overwhelming, pause, breathe, and remind yourself: "This is how it is, right now." And know that in time, this moment will pass, and new emotions, new experiences, and new perspectives will come.

If You Need More Mental Health Support

If you find yourself in a constant state of distress, even when implementing thought changes, you might benefit from medication. Our team is proud to offer genetic testing to help figure out which medication will work best for you, based on your genetic makeup. This helps cut down on trial and error and adverse side effects. If you're interested in genetic testing, schedule an appointment.

Temecula Medical Group Place of Healing: We strive to make our clinic a healing space for all of our patients through compassionate care and active listening.

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